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House of Odysseus

Odysseus (Ithaca hero) Odysseus (king of Ithaca) Penelope Penelope Telemachus Laërtes (king of Ithaca) Anticleia (daughter of Autolycus) Autolycus (master thief) Callidice (Queen of Thesprotia) Polypoetes Calypso (goddess or nymph) Daedalion Chione Philammon Helen of Troy Menelaus (king of Sparta) Tyndareus (king of Sparta) Leda (wife of Tyndareus) Oebalus (king of Sparta) Gorgophone (daughter of Perseus) Helios (sun god) Perse (Oceanid) Circe (sorceress) Circe (sorceress) Telegonus Telegonus Aeetes (king of Colchis) Pasiphae (wife of Minos) Hellen (king of Phthia) Aeolus (king of Thessaly) Erechtheus (king of Athens) Procris (daughter of Erechtheus of Athens) Cephalus Xuthus (king of Thessaly) Creüsa (daughter of Erechtheus of Athens) Deion (king of Phocis) Thestius Icarius Atlas (Titan) Oceanus (sea-god) Tethys (sea-goddess) Pan (woodland god) Thoas (king of Calydon) Odysseus Polycaste (daughter of Nestor)

In later myths, Odysseus was the son of Sisyphus, king of Corinth. Sisyphus had ravished Autolycus' daughter, Anticleia, as revenge for Autolycus theft of his cattle.

Odysseus (Ithaca hero) Penelope (daughter of Icarius of Sparta) Telemachus Sisyphus (king of Corinth) Laërtes (king of Ithaca) Anticleia (daughter of Autolycus) Autolycus (master thief) Daedalion Chione Cephalus Procris (daughter of King Erechtheus of Athens) Deion (king of Phocis) Aeolus (king of Thessaly)


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