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Roman Pantheon

Jupiter or Jove (god of thunder) Juno (goddess of marriage) Neptune (god of the sea) Pluto (god of the dead) Vesta (virgin goddess of hearth) Minerva (goddess of war) Apollo (god of light and prophecy) Diana (virgin goddess of wild animal Mercury (herald of the gods) Venus (goddess of love) Mars (god of war) Vulcan (artisan of the gods) Ceres (goddess of corn and fertility) Proserpine (Underworld goddess) Latona Liber or Bacchus (god of wine) Cupid (god of love) Maia (Pleiade) Pleïone (mother of the Pleiades) Tellus or Terra (goddess of earth) Juventas (goddess of youth) Uranus (sky) Pontus (sea) Nereus (sea-god) Saturn (sky god) Ops (mother goddess) Oceanus (sea-god) Tethys (sea-goddess) Hyperion (sun god) Themis Iapetus Coeus Phoebe Atlas Epimetheus (afterthought) Prometheus (forethought) Aurora (goddess of dawn) Luna (moon goddess) Sol (god of the sun) Dione Semele Thetis (sea-goddess) Doris (sea-goddess) Lucina (goddess of childbirth) Cadmus (king of Thebes) Psyche

The genealogy of the Roman deities is basically the same as those of the Greek deities, except that many of their names have changed to Roman or Latin names. For example, Zeus, Poseidon, Hera and Athena have been changed to their Latin forms as Jupiter (or Jove), Neptune, Juno and Minerva.

I should point out that most of the Titans retained their Greek names.

If you are interested in the genealogy of the Greek deities, then see Timeless Myths' Greek Deities family tree.


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