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House of Troy and Dardania

Atlas (Titan) Pleïone (mother of the Pleiades) Electra (a Pleiad) Teucer (king of Troad) Dardanus (king of Dardanus) Demeter (goddess of corn) Ilus (king of Dardania) Erichthonius (king of Dardanus) Tros (king of Dardanus) Ganymede, Cupbearer of the Gods Ilus (king of Troy) Laomedon (king of Troy) Priam (king of Troy) Hecuba (2nd wife of Priam) Assaracus (king of Dardanus) Capys (king of Dardanus) Anchises (king of Dardania) Aphrodite (goddess of love) Hector (commander of the Trojan forces) Paris (prince of Troy) Aeneas (king of Dardania) Andromache Helenus, the Trojan Seer Deiphobus Aescacus (Trojan seer) Cassandra (Trojan seeress) Creusa (1st wife of Aeneas) Polydorus Polyxena Troilus Astyanax Tithonus (king of Eithopia) Eos (goddess of dawn) Memnon (Eithopian hero) Hesione (concubine of Telamon) Leda (queen of Sparta) Helen of Troy Oenone (nymph of Mt Ida) Telamon (king of Salamis) Teucer (Salamian archer) Ajax (Salamian hero) Periboea (daughter of Alcathous of Megara) Latinus (king of Latinium) Amata Lavinia (2nd wife of Aeneas) Ascanius or Iulus (king of Alba Longa) Iasion Plutus Eetion

The first ruler of the region around Troad was Teucer, the son of the river god Scamander. It was Dardanus, son of Zeus and the Pleiad Electra, who had founded the kingdom, and the dynasty of Dardania and Troy (or Ilium). Often the names of the Dardanians and the Trojans are used interchangeably. However, they are two different cities.

The line of Dardania is longer than that of Troy, but it is Troy that became the more powerful kingdom of the two. Troy had only three kings: Ilus, Laomedon and Priam. Laomedon became involved in the earlier war against the Greeks, led by the hero Heracles. During the reign of Priam, Troy fell after a ten-year long war was fought between the Greeks and the Trojans, known as the Trojan War.

Priam had many children that are listed here, from his two wives, Arisbe and Hecuba, and from his concubines. I have only listed those children that play more or less important roles in classical mythology.

See the House of Troy for the description of Troy and their rulers.

Another family tree on Aeneas can be found in the Houses of Rome, because Aeneas with other Trojan survivors had migrated to Latinum, after the fall of Troy. Aeneas had founded a city, which he called Lavinium, which was named after his second wife Lavinia. His son, Acanius was the founder of the kingdom, Alba Longa. One of his descendants (Romulus) became the founder of Rome, and became its first king.

Note that after the capture of Troy, Andromache, wife of the hero Hector, became the concubine of Neoptolemus, son of Achilles. She had bore him three sons, Molossus, Piela and Pergamus. When Neoptolemus released Helenus and Andromache, Andromache married her husband's brother (Helenus). According to another version, Apollodorus says that Helenus married Neoptolemus' mother, Deidameia, not to Andromache.


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