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Facts and Figures

Trojan War

Catalogues of Ships

  Greek Forces
  Trojan Forces

Other Information

  Funeral Games of Patroclus
  Trojan Horse

Catalogues of Ships

Greek Forces

Greek Leaders Origin Ships
Penelaus, Leitus, Archesilaus, Prothoenor, Clonius The Boeotians 50
Ascalaphus, Ialmenus Minyan Orchomenus & Aspledon 30
Schedius, Epistrophus, Iphitus Phocis 40
Lesser Ajax Locris 40
Elephenor, Acamas, Demophon Euboea 40
Menestheus Athens 50
Telamonian Ajax Salamis 12
Diomedes, Sthenelus, Euryalus Argos & Tiryns 80
Agamemnon Mycenae & Corinth 100
Menelaus Lacedaemon & Sparta 60
Nestor Pylus & Arene 90
Agapenor Arcadia: Orchomenus, Pheneus, Tegea 60
Amphimachus. Thalpius, Diores, Polyxeinus Buprasion, part of Elis 40
Meges Dulchium, Echinean Isles 40
Odysseus Ithaca, Samos 12
Thoas Aetolia: Calydon 40
Idomeneus, Meriones Crete 80
Tlepolemus Rhodes 9
Nireus Syme 3
Pheidippus, Antiphus Nisyrus, Cos 30
Achilles, Automedon, Neoptolemus Pelasgian Argos, Alus, Alope, Trachis, Phthia 50
Protesilaus, Podarces Phylace 40
Eumelus Pherae, Iolcus 11
Philoctetes, Medon Methone, Meliboea 7
Podalirius, Machaon, Perithous Tricce, Oechalia 30
Eurypylus (Εὐρύπυλος) Ormenion, Asterion 40
Polypoetes (Πολυποίτης), Leonteus (Λεοντεύς) Argissa 40
Guneus Cyphus 22
Prothous Magnete 40
Mygdalion Cyprus 1
Thersander Thebes 40

Agamemnon was the commander-in-chief of the Greek forces.

The Greek forces brought a total of 1227 ships to Troy.

Neoptolemus joined the Greek army after death of Achilles and Ajax.

Trojan Forces

Trojan Leaders Origin
Hector Troy
Aeneas, Archelous, Acamas Dardania
Pandarus Zeleia
Adrastus, Amphius Adrasteia, Apaesus, Tereia
Asius Percote, Practius, Sestos, Abydos, Arisbe
Hippothous, Pylaeus Pelasgus
Acamas, Peirous, Rhesus Thrace
Euphemus Cicones
Pyraechmes Paeonia
Pylaemenes Cytorus, Cromna, Aegialus
Odius, Epistrophus Alybe
Chromis, Ennomus Mysia
Phorcys, Ascanius Phrygia
Mesthles, Antiphus Maeonia
Nastes, Amphimachus Caria, Miletus
Sarpedon, Glaucus Lycia

The Trojans and their allies were commanded by Hector, son of Priam and Hecuba. Aeneas was second-in-command.

The following forces joined the Trojans after Hector's death.

Leaders Origin
Penthesileia Amazons (Themiscyra)
Memnon Ethiopia
Eurypylus Mysia


Funeral Games of Patroclus

Achilles conducted the funeral games in honour of his beloved friend Patroclus. This scene take place in Book 23 of Homer's Iliad.

I have listed the sporting events, the competitors' names and prizes won.

Games Competitors Prizes
chariot race 1st: Diomedes
2nd: Antiochus
3rd: Menelaus
4th: Meriones
5th: Eumelus
  • Woman skilled in crafts and a tripod (22 pints)
  • Six years old mare, pregnant with a mule
  • Kettle (4 pints)
  • 2 talents of gold
  • Two-handed pan (Eumelus received a cuirass of Asteropaeus instead, out of pity, because he had crashed in the race. The two-handed pan (unclaimed prize) was given to Nestor.)
boxing 1st: Epeius
2nd: Euryalus
  • Mule, 6 years old
  • Two-handled mug
wrestling The match was drawn with 1 bout each to Odysseus and Ajax. Prizes were shared. (How do they share a cauldron and woman? Cut them in halves?)
  • Three-legged cauldron (worth 12 oxen)
  • Slave woman (worth 4 oxen)
foot-race 1st: Odysseus
2nd: Oilean Ajax
3rd: Antiochus
  • Mixing bowl of chase silver (6 pints)
  • Large oxen
  • Half talent of gold (Antiochus received another half talent)
armed combat Match was drawn between Diomedes and Ajax. Prizes were shared between them but Diomedes received the sword of Asteropaeus, for drawing first blood.
  • Sword of Asteropaeus (for the 1st to draw blood)
  • Armour, helmet shield and spear of Sarpedon
  • And a free meal at Achilles' hut!
discus 1st: Polypoetes
2nd: Telamonian Ajax
3rd: Leonteus
4th: Epeius
  • Lump of pig iron (there was only one prize for this contest)
archery 1st: Meriones
2nd: Teucer
  • 10 double-headed axe heads
  • 10 single-headed axe heads
javelin Achilles awarded Agamemnon the first prize without contest
2nd: Meriones
  • Unused cauldron with floral pattern (worth an oxen)
  • Long spear


Trojan Horse

The Trojan (Wooden) Horse was a stratagem devised by Odysseus to enter Troy with a small armed force. The plan was to open Troy's gates, so they could bring the main body of the Greek army into the city. Odysseus was the leader of this company. Below was the list of selected Greek warriors who hid inside the Horse's belly. (See the Fall of Troy)

Lesser Ajax

Note that Odysseus was forced to kill Anticlus inside the Wooden Horse, because Helen tried to trick the Greeks into revealing to the Trojans that there were men hidden in the belly of the Wooden Horse. Had Anticlus called out, all the warriors inside of the horse would have died.


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